Bible Visuals International supplies ministry partners through direct distribution of print and digital materials. However, there are a number of other indirect methods of distribution.
CBD–Christianbook Distributors carries a selection of BVI print materials. This may be a great option for you if you would like to combine your order of BVI materials with other products and take advantage of some special discounts!
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Positive Action for Christ–This curriculum publisher provides resources for church and school ministries. They distribute a select number of BVI print materials, particularly our biographies.
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BCM Canada—This ministry within Canada carries a select number of BVI print materials. They are available for purchase through their resource center in Hamilton, Ontario, and through their online store. Canadian customers, please check here first to save on shipping!
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ObreroFiel—This branch of Camino Global distributes BVI materials in Spanish in digital format (PowerPoint downloads).
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Licensing Agreements
Bible Visuals International is focused on supplying ministry partners abroad. We have a number of royalty-free licensing agreements that allow partners to translate, print and distribute BVI materials in a defined area. Partners are required to provide BVI with copies of these translations as well as annual reports of distribution.
The Ukraine—BVI is working with Send International to translate materials into Ukrainian and Russian languages and to distribute them within that country. This agreement began in 2018.
The Republic of Georgia—BVI has a ministry partner working with approximately 30 churches in this country. Because the Georgian language is of a separate language that the major languages of the world, there have been very few children’s ministry resources produced in this language. This agreement began in 2017.
India—BVI works with Good Life Ministries (GLM) in Hyderabad, India, to help supply resources for their extensive VBS outreach programs. GLM has translated materials into Telugu and is planning to add Hindi and Urdu as well. Materials are printed into oversized flashcards for use in their VBS “small” groups.
BVI Director, Tom Luttmann, and his family were able to visit the GLM ministry in 2019. View a report here
Mongolia—Missionaries Mickey and Trina Cofer have helped spearhead a movement to provide the Visualized Bible Series in the Mongolian language to some 600 churches in the country. They have completed the translation work on the 78 volume series and in 2022, Tom and Betsy Luttmann were able to travel to Mongolia to meet with the Cofers and begin the distribution of these valuable materials throughout the country. Currently, efforts are underway to translate our Family Worship books into Mongolian as well, giving these first-generation Christians resources for discipling their children.
The Cofers were profiled recently on Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild. View here
Brazil—CEF of Brazil (APEC) has partnered with BVI to print and distribute BVI materials in the Portuguese language. This agreement began in 2018.