About Bible Visuals International
What is the Doctrinal position of Bible Visuals International?
Please click here to read our Doctrinal Statement.
What version of the Bible do you use in your publications?
We use the King James Version of the Bible in the majority of our publications.
Do you carry or publish Bibles?
Other than the Children’s Bible from our VBS curriculum we do not carry Bibles. We recommend that you contact the following agencies:
I have an idea for a new BVI publication. Whom do I contact?
Please send an e-mail to [email protected] and explain your proposed publication. Someone from our Production Department will respond. We welcome suggestions, but do not guarantee that submitted ideas will be accepted. Please do not send unsolicited manuscripts.
Why should I make a donation if Bible Visuals sells materials?
BVI is a not-for-profit publishing ministry. We rely on the gifts of God’s people to cover general expenses, salaries, printing, distribution and international mission projects as well as the income from the sales of our literature. It is our desire that BVI materials be available at affordable rates around the world. Your contribution to BVI (mail or on-line) allows you to play a crucial role in partnering with teachers, missionaries and national Christians who share the Gospel around the world and allow BVI to maintain minimal production costs making it possible for others to purchase BVI materials at fair prices and teach children about Christ.
Bible Visuals International is a registered, non-profit organization operating under IRS code 501 (c)(3). Tax-deductible receipts are issued to donors. For more information, please contact us at (717) 859-1131, [email protected] or click here to visit our Donations page.
About Bible Visuals’ Materials
How do I obtain permission for:
All of BVI’s materials carry the International Copyright symbol © for protection against illegal reproduction. Some pages contain permission and directions for duplication for your immediate class; but BVI’s copyright line must appear on each duplicated page. If the page does not include duplication permission you cannot legally duplicate without prior, written or verbal permission.
Using an illustration or text for use outside of the current publication
Call the BVI office (717-859-1131), send an e-mail ([email protected]), or write a letter explaining the illustrations/text in which book you desire to duplicate. Explain the reason for duplication. Your request will be considered and, if granted, a “Licensing agreement” form will be issued to you.
To Translate materials
Please visit our translation page at this link: Click Here
Printing / Distributing Outside the United States
Call the BVI office (717-859-1131), send an e-mail ([email protected]), or write a letter explaining the illustrations/text in which book you desire to duplicate. Explain the reason for duplication. Your request will be considered and, if granted, a “Licensing agreement” form will be issued to you.
If a publication is out of stock, when will it be available?
When a publication is out of stock, it is due to our plan to update illustrations to full color and enhance teaching text prior to reprint. It is not our intention to allow titles to be out of stock for long periods of time. However, because we are a faith ministry, we are moving forward with the True Colors of BVI project as funds become available and will print out of stock items as soon as possible. When an item has been updated, digital formats and Amazon 8.5” by 11” booklets may be available first.
Because it is not our intention to allow titles to remain out of stock for long periods of time, we will try to make items available in an 8.5” by 11” professionally printed booklet through Amazon’s Kindle project or through digital downloads. For items available for distribution from another company, we are dependent on their printing to have the items available and cannot guarantee a printing time.
What age level are your materials appropriate for?
BVI publications are written for ages 6 through 12. All of our Bible lessons, stories, and songs have been used with children in grades one through six.
The following titles can also be used with pre-school children (ages 4 and 5):
- The Visualized Bible Series: New Testament Volumes 00-13 (The Gospels)
- Boy Afraid
- Ladi/White-White
- Laraba/Audu
- No Tree for Christmas/Peggy’s Christmas Stocking
- Penny and Turea
- The Pink Pig
- The Walking Umbrella
- Whiter Than Snow
BVI materials may also be used with middle school through adult age levels and can be used in these ways and more:
- Teachers of teens and adults have used The Visualized Bible Series from the Epistles through Revelation and volumes on the Major and Minor Prophets.
- Those ministering in nursing homes have used our visualized hymns and songs effectively.
- Deaf ministries find the flashcard books easy to display while they sign the story or lesson.
- Teachers of classes for mentally challenged have found the Visualized Bible Series, stories and hymns easy to use.
- Parents who home school their children have used our Visualized Bible Series for their Bible curriculum and missionary stories for special unit studies on world religions or countries.
- Christian school teachers find our stories and songs helpful in chapel programs.
Do you carry flannel graph?
No. All of BVI’s Bible lessons, stories and songs are in the flashcard or digital format. Our print publications vary in size from 8.5” by 8.5” to 10” by 14” with our standard format being 9” by 12”.
Do you have videos?
We do have a few videos but we are not a major video production group. We have developed interactive discs for use with a computer and multimedia projector. These discs do not contain audio files, but do include PowerPoint presentations of the lesson/story, plus teaching text to be taught by the teacher. They also include activities and other supplemental materials.
Do you offer teacher training or online teacher education?
No. Due to our downsized staff, this service is currently not available. We may be offering online training videos in the near future. Please watch for notifications on the website.
How do you use flashcard materials?
Visualized flashcard Bible lessons, stories and hymns are among the easiest visual aids to use! Here are some tips:
- Consult the assigned Bible reading for the Bible lesson and meditatively read the Scripture. Take notes and learn the facts from the Bible. Let God speak to you as you prepare to teach. Seek His guidance as you think of your student’s needs. Now consult the teacher’s lesson notes (outline, main aims and body of lesson) and review the lesson until you feel you are able to teach without being stuck to your lesson booklet. As with Bible lessons, so too for story and song lyrics – become familiar with their content prior to teaching the children. Most teachers “make the lesson or story their own.” They do not just read what is written in the book. Bible lessons are written as guides to help the teacher in study. Story texts may be read aloud to the class, but we encourage teachers to learn the story and tell it in their own words.
- Put yourself into the lesson or story: feel the situations and emotions of the characters. Reflect appropriate facial expressions and body movements that match the emotions of the characters in the lesson or story. (E.g.: If a person is sad, look sad. If something wonderful has happened, make your voice sound happy. Use different tones for your voice to convey personalities or communicate a conversation style format.)
- Show/hold the correct illustration at the appropriate time so that all children can see the picture. Keep your hands from covering big portions of the illustration. As the story progresses beyond the actions shown in the illustration, lay the book down until it is time to show the next scene/illustration.
- Maintain good eye contact with your class as you teach the Bible lesson. Explain the words or concepts of hymns prior to singing by using the coordinating illustrations.
- When telling a multi-chapter (or continued) story, use the illustrations to review previous chapters before beginning a new chapter. Ask questions about the illustration you are holding. Select only key illustrations for review.
- Some teachers prefer placing the flashcard book, turned to the appropriate illustrations, on an easel as they teach.
- When singing from a visualized song, you may prefer having another person help you hold the book to make it easier to turn the pages of the stanzas.
Do you include teacher’s texts in all your materials?
Teaching texts are available for all our materials. However, we do offer the option of order them in download format that you can print yourself to save the printing fee we have to charge on texts. Instead of stapling the English text into every publication, our newer professionally printed 9” by 12” booklets offer the option of choosing the translation you want or giving you the option of downloading the text instead so you only pay for the material you need.
Are your materials translated into other languages?
Yes. Click here to see what is available.
I have a question that your web site doesn’t answer. How do I contact you?
- Send an e-mail: [email protected]
- Phone the BVI office: 717-859-1131 (Hours 9:00 am to 4:30 pm EST, Monday through Thursday)
- Write: Bible Visuals International, PO Box 153, Akron, PA 17501-0153
Do you have a catalog that I could have or request to send to a friend?
Yes, we would be happy to send a free, postage-paid catalog to you or a friend. Click here to request your catalog.
Technical Frequently Asked Questions
How do I unzip a file?
Usually, to unzip a file, you can either right-click and say “extract all” and it will ask you where you want to extract it to, or else you should have a line in the folder that will let you extract the items. You can also download free programs that will allow you to unzip a file.
How do I use PowerPoint files?
Our PowerPoint files are ready to be used once the file is unzipped. You will need a PowerPoint viewer program or PowerPoint itself. If you need to edit the content to work with your program please contact our office for additional assistance.
I am a MAC / iPad user. Will your materials work with my computer?
Yes, our materials work with MACs and iPads. However, you may need some assistance in getting these to work. Please contact our office at [email protected] for assistance and let us know you are using this type of computer / tablet.
How do I use the Memory Verse Poster Downloads?
These can be used in a many different formats. We include a large poster for teaching purposes as well as individual tokens you can pass out to students to help them in their memorization. They can also be used as daily encouragement by posting the poster somewhere where you can see it every day and be reminded of God’s word. We also include no word files so that you can use another Bible version of the verse or if you have another verse that would be appropriate for the lesson you can use the same illustration to tie it into the lesson.
Prepare: Duplicate the memory verse tokens (masters are included in each file), making one token for each student in your class. Cut apart along dotted lines.
Prepare: Enlarge and add color to the gray scale poster, or enlarge the color poster for use in teaching the memory verse.
I have a question not listed here. Who do I contact?
- Send an e-mail: [email protected]
- Phone the BVI office: 717-859-1131 (Typical office hours are 9:00 am to 4:30 pm EST, Monday through Thursday)
- Write: Bible Visuals International, PO Box 153, Akron, PA 17501-0153