Get Involved

Proofreading & Editing

New and updated lessons need to be proofed and edited before being released. Most often this is done by local volunteers although we are open to help from those outside our local radius, especially if you have a way to make annotations in a computer program such as MS Word. Our standard for editing is The Chicago Manual of Style.

Preparing Bulk Mailings

Onsite volunteers help us prepare sales flyers, catalogs, and newsletters for mailing. If it’s a big project, you can expect snacks!

Scanning Files

There are still several languages where we need hard copies of files to be scanned into the computer and cleaned so we can make them available digitally to ministry partners. This work is carried out onsite.

Building Maintenance

Our local office in Akron, Pennsylvania is often needing small repairs such as fluorescent bulb changes, painting, minor plumbing and sidewalk snow removal. There are also light housekeeping opportunities. Please call or email if you’re interested in helping.


BVI uses professional illustrators who are dedicated to using their skills for the Lord. Illustrators can submit portfolios to BVI for evaluation at any time. Before a contract is signed on a project, we often ask for a sample illustration to be submitted. Click here to read our guidelines.


BVI is continuing to update its collection of two-color illustrations into full-color. This work requires graphic artists who can add color and texture. As with illustration, before a contract is signed on a project, we often ask for a sample page to be colorized. Click here to read our guidelines.


BVI’s Bible lessons and stories are written with the help of freelance writers who are dedicated to using their abilities to communicate God’s Word to children. Writing samples can be submitted by mail or email. Before a contract is signed on a particular project, we often ask for a sample chapter to be submitted first. Click here to read our Writer Submission Guidelines.


New and older BVI materials still need to be translated into many languages. Learn more here.


Some of our older translations still need retyped and converted into digital files. Please contact us if you think you might be able to help with this process. Some languages were currently need help with are:
Arabic (Classical & Moroccan)


BVI occasionally has need to BVI product representatives for conferences and conventions in various locations. If you are quite familiar with BVI materials and would be interested in learning more, please contact us by phone or email.